Four-Per-Em Space (U+2005) | Copy and Paste [ ] Character

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A Four-Per-Em Space (U+2005), also known as a “Mid-space”, is a space in typography that is one-fourth the width of an “em”. A four-per-em space is essentially a very narrow space, typically used to create a small separation in text for improved readability or aesthetic purposes.

Four-Per-Em Space

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Four-Per-Em Space Generator

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Four-Per-Em Space Table

Character NameFour-Per-Em Space
Unicode Code PointU+2005
HTML Code 
HTML Hex Code 
CSS Code\2005
JavaScript/Java/C\u{2005} (JavaScript and ES6), \\u2005 (Java and C)


Using Four-Per-Em Space in HTML

To use a Four-Per-Em Space in HTML, you can either use the HTML entity code ( ) or the Hex code ( ). Here’s how to do it:

Using HTML Entity Code:

Copy & Paste Four-Per-Em Space Character – Blank

Using Hexadecimal Entity Code:

Copy & Paste Four-Per-Em Space Character – Blank

Four-Per-Em Space

Four-Per-Em vs Three-Per-Em vs Em Space

Using Four-Per-Em Space in CSS

In CSS, you can use the Four-Per-Em Space (U+2005) as a content delimiter or separator in ::before and ::after pseudo-elements. Here’s how you can use it in CSS:

To copy the code, simply double-click on it and press Ctrl+C.


.four-per-em-space::before {
    content: "\2005";
.four-per-em-space::after {
    content: "\2005";


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Four-Per-Em Space Example</title>
        .four-per-em-space::after {
            content: "\2005";

        .four-per-em-space::before {
            content: "\2005";
    <p class="four-per-em-space">This is some text with Four-Per-Em Spaces before and after.</p>

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