En Space (U+2002) | Copy And Paste [ ] Character

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An En Space (U+2002) is a typographic space character approximately half the width of an em space, used for spacing purposes in typography and document layout.

The specific width of an en space can vary, depending on the font and typesetting conventions in use, but it’s generally designed to be narrower than a full space (U+0020) and wider than a hair space (U+200A) or a thin space (U+2009).

zero with space

Copy En Space Character


En Space Character Generator

Enter Number


En Space Character Table

Character NameEn Space
Unicode Code PointU+2002
HTML Code 
HTML Hex Code 
CSS Code\2002
JavaScript/Java/C\u{2002} (JavaScript and ES6), \\u2002 (Java and C)


Using En Space in HTML
En Space

To add an En Space character (U+2002) in HTML, you can use its HTML entity code or hexadecimal entity code. Here’s how you can do it using both methods:

Using HTML Entity Code:

Copy & Paste En Space Character – Blank spacecopy.com

Using Hexadecimal Entity Code:

Copy & Paste En Space Character – Blank spacecopy.com

En Space Character
Using En Space in CSS

To add an En Space character (U+2002) using CSS code, you can indeed use the ::before or ::after to insert the character into your HTML content. Here’s how you can do it in your CSS code:

To copy the code, simply double-click on it and press Ctrl+C.


.en-space::before {
  content: "\2002";
.en-space::after {
  content: "\2002";


<!DOCTYPE html>
.en-space::before {
  content: "\2002";

<p class="en-space">This is a paragraph with an En Space character before it.</p>


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